Celebrities from bollywood are now on holiday and celebrating the New Year. Some have posted images, while others have yet to do so. deepika padukone also turned to social media to post a snapshot of the first sunrise of 2024. The actress wishes her followers a Merry christmas and a Happy New Year. She hasn't specified where she is.
Deepika shared a dawn photo on her instagram stories while seated on a cruise. The motor may be heard. 'Happy New Year 2024,' she wrote for the caption. The actress also uploaded a wrap-up video in which she highlighted memorable 2023 moments. deepika padukone is making news right now for her next film with Hrithik Roshan. Both will get screen time in Fighter. The romantic ballad Ishq Jaisa has received a lot of attention. Fans adore their chemistry.

The film, directed by siddharth anand and produced by Viacom18 Studios in conjunction with Marflix Pictures, is going to break new ground with its star cast and intriguing plot. The actioner has great expectations because it is the third collaboration between siddharth and Hrithik, who have previously generated blockbusters such as Bang Bang (2014) and war (2019).

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