On the happy occasion of Lavanya Tripathi's birthday, her husband, Mega prince Varun Tej, shared a wonderful collection of previously unseen photos. "Happy birthday, baby!" he captioned it. Thank you for being you and making my world a better place."I adore you." These priceless photographs capture the soul of their wedding, haldi ceremony, honeymoon in finland, and other post-marriage events. Each photograph tells a different story, depicting their real love and delight at every ceremony with open hearts.

The pair, who married on november 1st in the scenic Tuscan area of Italy, exudes a strong connection, obviously built for one other. The lavish celebration in hyderabad and the romantic vacation in finland added chapters to their happy story. varun Tej's tender sharing of these tender moments not only commemorates Lavanya's special day but also provides insight into the couple's profound and loved love story.

Varun Tej is now preparing for the release of his action-packed flick, Operation Valentine, in which he co-stars with Manushi Chhillar. Both actors will be playing indian Air Force commanders in this forthcoming telugu thriller. varun is making his bollywood debut, and Manushi is making her South indian film debut.

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