It has been revealed that ntr is presently engaged in the filming of a movie titled "Devara," directed by koratala Siva. The official announcement has indicated that the initial segment of "Devara," which is planned as a two-part release, is slated to hit the screens as a summer release in april of the current year. However, recent discussions on social media have given rise to speculations about thematic similarities between the promotional posters of "Devara" and the film "WaltairVeeraiyya."
This comparison has sparked a debate among audiences, with observations about the resemblance of three posters, including the pre-look poster, to those of "Waltair Veerayya." Some individuals are suggesting that this might be a deliberate move by koratala siva, possibly influenced by sentiments related to the film "Acharya." Notably, both chiranjeevi and Waltair Veerayya were depicted on a boat in the sea, and the posters of "Devara" featuring ntr seem to follow a similar theme.
Whether this visual parallel is coincidental or intentional has become a topic of discussion, with fans expressing concerns about potential similarities. The online discourse includes comments, trolls, and even memes, questioning the originality and storyline connections between the two movies. The reaction of koratala siva to these discussions remains to be seen.