Bollywood actor john abraham has bought an expensive bungalow in Mumbai's Khar neighborhood. He has paid Rs 4.24 crore for registration. bollywood actor john abraham has bought an expensive bungalow in Mumbai's Khar neighborhood. Borobbari paid Rs 70.83 crore, including a 5,416 sq ft bungalow with a total land area of 7,722 sq ft, according to property registration records for the bungalow. The bungalow is located on Linking Road, Khar, one of Mumbai's busiest shopping avenues and adjacent to several prestigious educational institutions.
Abraham registered the bungalow agreement on december 27, 2023 after paying a registration fee of Rs 4.24 crore. Thus, a total of 75 crores has been spent. Due to lack of space, modern bollywood stars in mumbai are primarily interested in buying multi-storey apartments. bollywood actor amitabh bachchan also owns some bungalows in Mumbai. Bachchan recently made headlines when he gifted his daughter Shweta Nanda a mumbai bungalow. This property is situated in Juhu, mumbai on two plots measuring 890.47 sq m and 674 sq m.
On november 8, a deed was signed gifting the property. The gift deed documents indicated that stamp duty of Rs 50.65 lakh was paid for the transaction. 40,000 to 90,000 per square feet in the residential area where Abraham bought a bungalow. local brokers are known to claim that rates are fixed based on property grade and area.

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