The latest photo of kiran Karthik, son of actress Satna Tides, who debuted as a heroine in vijay antony starrer Picchaikaran, is going viral. Actress Satna Titus played the heroine in the super... duper... hit film 'Picchaikaran', directed by Sasi and starring vijay antony in 2016. Her first film from Kerala, 'Guru Sukran' made Satna very popular among fans everywhere. Following the reception he received in this film, he committed to act in a few films.


Satna kept the fans on her side by playing the role of Mahikhini. After that he acted in the film Yeidavan. In this he played a police officer. Every frame she came in as SI janani gave a mature performance. After tamil and started acting in Telugu, she got caught in a love dispute and got married to a producer named Karthik. As she got married without the family's knowledge... Satna's parents took the issue to the police department and later accepted their daughter. Satna, who completely left the film industry after her marriage, became a mother to a baby boy within the same year of her marriage. He often posts pictures on his social media page to express his happiness.

Currently, she is celebrating New Year romantically with her son kiran and husband Karthik. These photos are going viral on social media. And the fans are wondering whether Satna has such a big son.

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