The days of seeing unedited, uncensored versions of indian films on Netflix are long gone. Netflix has been ordered by the censor board to only stream filtered versions of indian films from now on. Netflix has completely ceased broadcasting unedited indian film cuts, with a growing number of films including political references and 'A' graded content.

The film Bheed had voiceovers from prime minister Narendra Modi and delhi Chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, as well as other political allusions. They were cut when the CBFC ordered it, and Netflix opted to stream just the altered version rather than the one the producers had planned. It is now being used in all indian films.

Also, Thalapathy Vijay's LEO, which was published uncensored in global countries, was banned on Netflix. OMG 2, a film on sex education, was also released and restricted, prompting the film's director to criticize Netflix's decision.

Karthi's japan included references to Ambani and Adani, but Netflix is only showing the version without the men's names. Netflix has began incorporating smoking and alcohol warnings during relevant moments in indian series and films.

As a result, director's cut versions of films will no longer be available on Netflix, which is a disappointment for many directors as well as spectators. One wonders what will happen with the streaming of the more violent and profane Animal and Salaar flicks.

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