Suhana Khan, Shahrukh Khan's daughter, made her cinematic debut in 'The Archies,' which was recently released on OTT platforms. Despite being the daughter of a well-known actor, the film did not give her the breakthrough she had hoped for. Nonetheless, Suhana wowed her admirers with a stunning appearance, particularly in a stunning red gown. She picked a dress with a deep neckline that complimented her matching earrings to confidently flaunt her curves. Her hourglass body looked gorgeous in the bright crimson outfit.
Suhana completed the appearance with flowing open hair and a dab of pink lipstick, demonstrating not only her acting skill but also a stunning sense of style that created an effect on her audience. Delnaaz Irani, who played Sweetu in Shah Rukh Khan's Kal Ho Naa Ho, was still identified with the character years after.

Delnaaz expressed her love and devotion for Suhana Khan after playing a key role in her debut film, The Archies. Delnaaz recounted giving Suhana a "big tight hug" when they first met, and Suhana affectionately referred to her as Sweetu.
"I felt so much warmth when I met her," she remarked in an interview with Pinkvilla. "I felt like I got the same amount of warmth and love that I was expecting and realized that she was also expecting the same," the actress continued. We had a wonderful talk. It was a pleasure to meet her. I didn't have many scenes with her, but every time I saw her, I felt so much love."

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