Director rajkumar hirani has broken his silence over the box office clash between his latest film Dunki and prabhas starrer Salaar. Dunki hit the theatres on december 21, while Salaar arrived in cinemas a day later. Dunki managed to collect just Rs 30 crore on its opening day. Salaar, on the other hand, emerged as the biggest opener of 2023, shattering the records of several films. The film earned Rs 95 crore in india on its opening day across all languages.

Talking about the same, Hirani told dna, “From a producer’s perspective, there are a limited amount of theatres in the country. Every viewer may not have enough money to watch films back-to-back or on consecutive days. There are certain people that make a choice to see one film in a week or even a month. So, I am sure at some level it affects both the films.”

Hirani maintains that a clash becomes unescapable at times due to the limitations of the calendar. “In a clash, business is affected. But there is no option to that because there are 52 weeks and 200 films made. There would be clashes. Sometimes bigger films would clash and sometimes smaller. All these kind of things will continue happening. There is no escape from that,” the filmmaker added.

“After doing two back-to-back action films, Shah Rukh was looking forward to Dunki. He was happy doing something like this. Shah Rukh is an intelligent man and was aware that people were following a trend and liking action films. He had always told me not to expect huge numbers at the box office initially. He knew it was a slow burner and the audience and family would eventually lap up to the film and start coming in. More than anyone, he was preparing me and that is what exactly happened. We have seen many families coming together to theaters to watch the film,” the director had told us.

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