Rashmika Mandanna, the rising actress who rose to national prominence with "Pushpa," is advancing her career by landing film roles in both the South and the North. She was last seen in "Animal," and now she's back in "The Girlfriend," directed by rahul Ravindran. Dikshit Shetty makes his feature debut, having previously acted with nani in "Dussehra."

Rashmika Mandanna talks about her on-screen beau, Vikram, in a special video published on Dikshit Shetty's birthday, joking that he is their college's Virat Kohli. The film, which was released to commemorate the actor's birthday, shows Dikshit's fury as he gets into a brawl in a fit of rage. The slogan for the video is "Boyfriend of the Girlfriend."

"The Girlfriend" is now in production and is being co-produced by geetha Arts, mass Movie Makers, and Dheeraj Mogilenei Entertainment, all of which are overseen by famous producer Allu Aravind. The film's producers are vidya Koppineni and Dheeraj Mogiline.

Dheekshith Shetty has practically had no time to savour all the affection that has come his way since the release of the pan-India film dasara, in which he portrayed the much-loved part of Suri. During the film's premiere and marketing, he had to start working on his first telugu web series, for which he had to get rid of the thick beard he'd grown for dasara and portions of his kannada feature KTM, as well as shed a few kilogrammes. The character has to appear considerably younger than he is.

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