On upcoming Year's Eve, Thalapathy Vijay's upcoming film, directed by venkat Prabhu, was revealed with a poster. The second poster, an action poster, piqued the audience's interest even more. The title of the film is The Greatest Of All Time. The first poster shows Vijay, dressed as a cop in fighter pilot gear, strolling beside a younger version of himself. The second Vijay appeared to be a clone with more fabricated traits. The second poster has both Vijays with weapons blazing atop a flying bike.

There have been several analogies and rumors that Vijay's The GOAT is a remake of Will Smith's gemini Man. venkat prabhu responded to one of those remake parallels and trolls with, 'Sorry dude!! I'm still hoping for more from you!! Merry christmas and a Happy New Year!! 'Spread the love.' Prashanth, Prabhudeva, Sneha, Laila, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Jayaram, yogi Babu, and others star in Vijay's The GOAT.

On december 28, Thalapathy Vijay attended the burial of famed actor-politician Vijayakanth, where a guy threw a slipper at him. The footage of the event quickly went viral across all social media platforms. On january 4, Vijay Makkal Iyakkam's Appanu, the district Head of South Chennai, submitted a complaint with the police, requesting that an investigation be launched against the individual who hurled a slipper at the 'Leo' actor.

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