deepika Padukone recently celebrated her birthday. The actress was showered with lots of heartfelt wishes and blessings from her near and dear ones for her special day. The actress now took to her social media handle to give a glimpse of the delicious birthday cake. She also penned a gratitude note that read, ‘Thank you all for the birthday, love!’

Looks like Deepika’s husband, Ranveer Singh, gifted her the cake. The icing read, ‘Happy Birthday Baby’. However, the B looked very creative, as it also resembled the letter D. It was a chocolate cake with colourful sprinkles on top of it. One of the fans, in fact, took to the comments section and wrote, “Pretty sure the ‘baby’ started out as ‘D’eepika first Happy birthday”.

Deepika celebrated her 38th birthday on Friday. Fans eagerly awaited a glimpse of her celebrations. It wasn’t until late at night that a video surfaced on the internet featuring deepika and Ranveer. The couple was seen leaving a star hotel in mumbai in their swanky car, with Ranveer sporting a sharp black suit and deepika elegantly matching him in black. She kept her makeup minimal smoky eyes and a brown lip color and kept her hair open. As she was papped by the cameras, deepika sported a big smile.

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