Kollywood actor arun vijay starrer Mission: Chapter 1 is scheduled to make its theatrical debut on the auspicious occasion of pongal on january 12. Ahead of the mega release, the makers of the film have dropped the trailer of Mission: Chapter 1, while it promises the viewers with a high-octane action thriller from the actor. The production house shared the trailer, writing, “Rev up your excitement! Mission Chapter-1 trailer is OUT NOW! Brace yourselves for the ultimate action extravaganza!"
In the one minute and 50 second trailer, arun vijay is seen as a prisoner in a jail in London. Eventually, the trailer proceeds and shows Arun framed in a crime to keep him behind bars. Following the same, the antagonist threatens Arun to complete a mission, keeping his daughter as bait. Apart from the plot, the trailer serves a glimpse of the classy stunt sequences, while the film is anticipated to showcase the fans an ultimate action extravaganza. Mission: Chapter 1 has been directed by AL Vijay; gv prakash Kumar has scored the music of the film. Besides Arun Vijay, the movie features Nimisha Sajayan and amy jackson in crucial roles.
Apart from being a movie with a promising plot, it also marks Amy Jackson’s return to the big screen. The actress will be seen playing the role of a prison officer in the movie. Meanwhile, Mission: Chapter 1 is packed with different sets of emotions, stirring major buzz among the fans and critics. With unveiling the power-packed trailer, the makers have been garnering a massive response as well. However, the action thriller Mission: Chapter 1 is going to battle a tough war as it will be clashing in the theatres with Dhanush’s period drama film Captain Miller and Sivakarthikeyan’s science fiction film Ayalaan.