The highly awaited film 'Toxic,' starring yash and directed by Geetu Mohandas, has garnered a lot of buzz. According to reports, kareena kapoor Khan is poised to join the cast of 'Toxic,' making her kannada film debut. Previously, it was reported that sai pallavi had been cast in the role, however this appears to be false. If these rumours are true, it will be a lovely experience for fans to watch the pairing of the 'KGF' actress with kareena kapoor Khan.

On december 8, 2023, yash and the creators released an interesting title announcement video for 'Toxic,' his 19th film. The film is set to be released on april 10, 2025. According to claims, the acclaimed initiative is run by the goa drug mafia. Kareena's involvement will be officially confirmed soon.

We had heard that Yash's long-awaited comeback to the big screen following the kgf flicks will be named Toxic - A Fairy Tale for Grown-ups. Toxic will be directed by Geetu Mohandas and produced by KVN Productions in collaboration with Monster Mind Creations. In a recent post, yash expressed appreciation for the enormous response to the title teaser, and announced that he will not be in the city for his birthday, which falls on january 8.

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