The upcoming tamil movie "Ayalan," starring Sivakarthikeyan, has sparked rumours of being inspired by Hollywood. Scheduled for a grand release on january 12, the science fiction film has garnered attention for its trailer, which some netizens find reminiscent of the hollywood movie "Paul" released in 2011.

"Paul" tells the story of an alien that ends up on Earth, and two friends try to protect the creature from scientists intending to study it. Observers note similarities in the storyline after watching the trailer of "Ayalan," leading to discussions on social media regarding possible inspiration.

While netizens claim that "Ayalan" is inspired by "Paul," it remains to be seen whether the film will defy or confirm these fan theories. Directed by Ravikumar, "Ayalan" features Sivakarthikeyan in the lead role, with a supporting cast including rakul preet singh, Isha Koppikar, yogi Babu, Karunakaran, Banu Priya, bala Saravanan, and Sharad Kelkar. 

A.R. rahman composed the music for the film, which has received a 'U' certificate from CBFC. The production of "Ayalan" took over four years, featuring 4500 VFX frames due to a comical alien character playing a significant role in the storyline. The film revolves around the friendship between farmer Sivakarthikeyan and the alien.

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