Suriya finishes the complete Kanguva shoot. It is commonly known that National Award winner Suriya is now working on Kanguva, one of his most important projects. The film will be released in theatres throughout the world in the summer of 2024. The film is directed by Siruthai Siva, and the concept takes place in both the past and the present. Suriya finishes the complete Kanguva shoot.

Kanguva is being produced as a pan-Indian film with franchise ambitions. If the first portion is successful, the franchise will feature several installments. As previously stated, the filmmakers want to premiere this picture next summer. However, the release is dependent on the completion of CG work. If CG development is delayed, Kanguva's release date will be moved to August/September instead of summer. Suriya plays a fearsome warrior in this visual spectacular, who will also appear in modern attire. The film will also be distributed in 3-D.

Suriya has announced that he has finished his part in the movie. He wrote, “My last shot done for Kanguva! An entire unit filled with positivity! It’s the finishing of one and the beginning of many..! Thank you, dearest Siva and team, for all the memories! Kanguva is huge and special. I can’t wait for you all to see it on screen!”

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