Here are some nutritious foods that mothers should eat after delivery.
Don't neglect your care in between enjoying motherhood. The body is very weak after childbirth. Bed can be your best friend at this time. It is natural to worry about how to shrink a bloated body. What to eat at this time? That thought is floating around. Therefore, eating healthy foods should be given high priority.
Mutton, chicken Soup: Generally, it is common for women to sweat after delivery. The perfect solution is to eat more meat and chicken soups. And at this time, red meat is also good. However, it is recommended to eat in moderation.
Dates: antioxidants, minerals and vitamins in dates help in faster healing. Dates naturally support brain, digestive and heart health. Eat 3 to 4 dates a day. A small study found that consuming dates immediately after delivery caused significantly less blood loss and bleeding than giving oxytocin.
Eggs: eggs are a superfood for getting the energy the body needs after delivery. It is one of the best protein snacks that will keep you feeling full for longer. eggs are an essential source of protein. It helps soothe sore muscles that contract constantly throughout labor. Also, it contains Omega-3. These omega-3s can prevent postpartum depression.
Apples: Apples are a superfood. apple lowers high cholesterol and blood pressure. Also, it facilitates digestion. antioxidants in apples play an important role in preventing cancer.
If you are breastfeeding, the food you eat passes to your baby through your milk. So stop eating such foods.
Caffeine: Drink 2 cups of coffee a day. Be aware that too much of it can affect a baby's sleep.
Certain fish: Avoid high-mercury fish such as swordfish, shark, king mackerel and tail fish after delivery.