Jiiva is well-known among telugu fans for his role as the protagonist in the film Rangam (Ko in Tamil). However, he was unable to capitalize on the film's popularity to establish himself in Telugu. Many of his films have been dubbed in telugu, but he has yet to reach the level of hero that requires a large market and fan following. However, he is now counting heavily on the sequel to Yatra.

Jiiva, who plays andhra pradesh Chief minister jagan mohan reddy-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>ys jagan mohan reddy onscreen, is going on its path. He recently talked about the risks associated with creating this film.

"Although I admired jagan Anna's quest, I was afraid to see the film. He is such a prominent character, and taking on such duties entails a great deal of danger. Jiiva stated, "If I don't do complete justice, my career could go bonkers."

However, the film's recent trailer showed Jiiva as the perfect choice to bring jagan to life on screen. The performer seems to have done a lot of preparation to get things correct on television.

The film's first installment, Yatra, starring Mammootty, was a major hit, and its popularity might easily draw attention to the second installment today. The crew is optimistic about the film's success, and Jiiva aims to expand his business in telugu states with it.

Mahi v Raghav is the film's director.

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