Featuring Suriya and disha patani as the titular characters, the film is directed by Siva, the creator of many blockbuster hits in his career. Other star casts of the film will be revealed in due course. The film features cinematography by Vetri Palanisamy and musical score by ‘Rockstar’ Devi Sri Prasad. Reportedly, Suriya has wrapped up shooting for the film.

Previously, Siva talked about his directorial when he said, “I worked on this script four years ago. Suriya loved it and so did Gnavavel Raja. Suriya was sincere to the role and his makeover to play it was physically demanding.” The release date for Kanguva has not been announced as of now.

Kanguva marks bobby Deol’s tamil debut. In december 2023, the actor shared that his character in the Suriya-starrer goes beyond his usual comfort zone. “This role is definitely out of my comfort zone, also I don’t know the language, so that is again totally out of my zone. I can’t even learn tamil in a month or two, but I will work on it,” he told

Studio Green in association with uv creations is producing the Suriya starrer Kanguva on a grand scale. The film has kept the expectation meter spiking up significantly from its point of launch. With the big announcement stating that the film will be released in 10 languages in 3D format, the trade circles are emblazoned with more excitement for the film.

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