Censor Board: RO Hashmi asked for written evidence against aurangzeb, who did not get a censor certificate for 'Chhatrapati Sambhaji'

The film 'Chhatrapati Sambhaji', which has been made in Marathi and hindi for the last eight years, could not be released on january 26 due to not getting the certificate from the Censor Board in time. It is alleged that officials of the mumbai regional office of the Censor Board asked for written evidence from the film producers regarding the facts shown in the film against aurangzeb and even after giving references from historians, the film was not given a censor certificate. However, after the screening of the film, it was said that the certificate would be given to the film in time.

A press conference was organized in mumbai on saturday evening regarding the film 'Chhatrapati Sambhaji' where the producer-director of the film Rakesh Subesingh Dulgaj talked about the attitude of the Censor Board. On december 26, Dulgaj applied to the Censor Board for censoring the film 'Chhatrapati Sambhaji', made simultaneously in Marathi and Hindi. Dulgaj says, 'On january 12, 2024, I got a late-night call from the Censor Board that the screening has been scheduled for the next day at 9 am, please prepare the DCP file and come. Viniya Kelkar, who was present at the screening, said after watching the film that you are being given a UA certificate. Whatever changes have been made in the film, information about them will be given by mail.

As soon as he received this assurance from the Censor Board, Dulgaj finalized the release date of the film 'Chhatrapati Sambhaji' on 26th January. An assurance was given from the Censor Board that in any case the film would be given a censor certificate by january 25. Dulgaj says, 'After the release date of the film was finalized, we kept visiting the Censor Board office, but no official was found. Earlier, the Censor Board had presented evidence and evidence against the scenes in the film which had raised objections.

It is alleged that Syed Rabi Hashmi, the newly appointed Regional Officer in the mumbai office of the Censor Board, demanded proof and evidence as to whether aurangzeb had pressured Chhatrapati Shambhaji to accept Islam. To confirm this incident, Dulgaj has asked to submit the letters of some historians and those books to the Censor Board in which it has been said that Aurangzeb's Chhatrapati Sambhaji was pressurized to accept Islam. An attempt was made to contact Hashmi about this on the Censor Board's landline number, but as usual, the landline number of the Censor Board's mumbai office remained unanswered. The department has still not made public the CUG numbers of its officers.

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