Suhas, a promising young actor, has been playing some odd roles and is currently preparing to debut his film 'Ambajipeta marriage Band'. The film depicts an intense love tale in a remote town. The film is set to be released in theatres on february 2nd. Jagadeesh Prathap bhandari and Goparaju ramana play significant parts in this rural action drama. Dushyanth Katikineni directs the film, which is produced by GA2 Pictures' bunny Vas, venkatesh Maha, and Dheeraj Mogilineni.

Today, producer Dheeraj Mogilineni spoke with the media about the film. When asked about the film, he replied, "The film has been designed to break away from the typical commercial formula, maintaining geetha Arts' reputation while infusing a fresh approach with new talents."

He stated, "The film does not promote a certain message, but rather depicts true happenings from a specific place in a cinematic format. The role of Suhas' sister, played by Saranya Pradeep, is essential to the plot. producer allu aravind garu just saw the picture and gave a great review, demonstrating its excellence.

Suhas has made waves with his performances in Colour Photo, HIT 2, and writer Padmabhushan. He is presently preparing to delight audiences with his new film, "Ambajipeta marriage Band." GA2 Pictures and Mahayana Motion Pictures, the production company of filmmaker venkatesh Maha, collaborated on the film. The film is also produced by Dheeraj Mogilineni Entertainment.

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