Parineeti Chopra: parineeti chopra did not know who Raghav Chaddha was. Information was collected through the internet

Actress parineeti chopra and Raghav Chadha got married in a grand style in udaipur last year. While Parineeti is a popular bollywood personality, Raghav is active in politics. The first meeting of both was quite interesting. Recently, Parineet revealed the secret of her first meeting with her husband Raghav Chadha and said that she did not know who Raghav was. For this, he collected information about them on the internet.

Recently, during a media interaction, Parineeti said that when she met Raghav for the first time, she realized that both of them were made for each other. But, did not know who Raghav was? And whether you are single or not. Parineeti said, 'When I met Raghav for the first time, I felt that destiny had brought us together and we were made for each other. Perhaps Raghav is the one for whom she has been waiting for a long time.

The special thing is that at that time Parineeti did not even know whether Raghav was married or not. She didn't know anything about him. But he was hearing a voice from inside that this was the one for which he had been waiting for years. The interesting thing is that after meeting Raghav, Parineeti took the help of google about him. Then he came to know who Raghav was. Are you married or not? Parineeti says, 'After meeting Raghav, bells started ringing in my heart, but I did not even know whether Raghav was married or single. When I searched for him, I came to know that he was single. I thanked God.

Parineeti was so impressed by meeting Raghav that she started considering herself very lucky. Since then, Parineeti started having positive thoughts about her relationship. He felt that he was very lucky and that his life was going to be very good from now on. Recently, during an interview, he shared all these things from his heart. Both Parineeti and Raghav went to a leader's forum in London. Here he was being honored for doing good work in his field.

Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha had an intimate wedding in udaipur last September. After this, Parineeti has also started her new career in live singing. The special thing is that she has not given the credit for this to anyone else but to her loving husband only. She says that Raghav is standing with her every moment. Raghav also motivated and supported her in live singing. From his career to his personal life, he has been supported by Raghav in every way.

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