Accordingly bollywood actor arbaaz khan recently married makeup artist and his girlfriend Shura Khan. He has married Shura for the second time. Since marriage, both are often seen with each other. The couple keeps sharing pictures with each other on social media also. But meanwhile Shura has revealed that his instagram account was hacked.
Yes, Shura himself has disclosed this. He has also told what problems he faced during this period. While disclosing this on her instagram story today, Shura wrote - hello everyone... Last week my instagram account was tampered with and it was hacked. This was very, very frustrating. But Shelly Bhutra, a friend of mine from instagram and Facebook, helped me and fixed it. I want to thank all of them for their support. It feels good to be back.
Let us tell you that Shura is often seen showering her love on her husband Arbaaz Khan. She also shares the moments spent with Arbaaz on her Instagram. Recently, Shura had shared a picture holding the hand of husband Arbaaz. With this picture he wrote- 'Me and my love' arbaaz khan married Shura Khan on 24 December. Only some close people and family of the actor participated in this Nikah ceremony. Arbaaz's son Arhaan Khan was also seen in this wedding of Arbaaz and Shura. At the same time, all the photos and videos of the wedding had gone viral on social media. In his Nikah, Arbaaz also sang a special song for his wife Shura.