Anita vijayakumar is the eldest of three children born to popular actor Vijayakumar's first wife Muthukannu.
Vijayakumar's entire family is in the film industry, but Anita vijayakumar is the only person who has not joined the film industry.
Dr. Anitha vijayakumar went to qatar with her husband at a young age and is doing medical work there.
It is well known that Anita Vijayakumar, who spends a lot of time with her friends and family, recently bought a new house in Chennai.
In this case, Anita vijayakumar has successfully completed her daughter's wedding in that new house. All the family members participated and celebrated.
It is also noted that famous actress Vanitha vijayakumar and her daughter Jovika vijayakumar did not participate in this wedding ceremony.
Superstar Rajinikanth personally attended the wedding of his friend Vijayakumar's granddaughter and blessed the bride and groom.
Apart from Vijayakumar's family, celebrities from various fields also participated in this wedding program and expressed their best wishes to the bride and groom. In this case, Anita vijayakumar has come to the surprise of posting pictures taken from the wedding and subsequent events at their home on her social media pages.