On march 1st, megahero varun Tej will release the movie "Operation valentine," which was delayed twice previously. The movie, however, is based on the raid on Pulwama and the indian Air Force's reprisal for it. Is it ringing any other bell, wait! Yes, the newly released movie "Fighter," starring deepika padukone and Hrithik Roshan, is also based on the same occurrence, but it was unable to evoke strong feelings in the audience. Will there be no risk now that the movie is still playing in cinemas and Operation valentine is scheduled for release in ten days?

"We know that the content of fighter is the same as that of Operation valentine when we are mid-way through the shooting," varun adds in an interview with india Herald. However, as I haven't seen the movie, I can't speak to Fighter's lack of emotional resonance, but I did observe its enormous collections. I'm hoping Operation Valentine's emotional appeal will pay off big time and the movie will be a hit.
Varun Tej went forward with the project because he signed it and believed in it, which set him apart, even though he was aware that another movie based on the same scenario was being created by some of the greatest actors.

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