Actress lena from kerala is without a doubt one of the biggest names in the business right now. The actress, who has been involved in the film industry for about 25 years, has always demonstrated her flexibility by accepting hard parts.

The actress made a really intriguing announcement on february 27. She revealed on social media that she married indian Air Force fighter pilot prasanth Balakrishnan Nair in january of this year. prasanth is also a member of Gaganyan, India's first human spaceflight programme. lena had also stated that she had concealed the news of her marriage to protect the space mission's privacy. The actress posted a little video of herself with the jet pilot on Instagram, captioning it, saying:

Group Captain prasanth Balakrishnan Nair, an indian Air Force fighter pilot, received the First indian Astronaut Wings today, february 27, 2024, from our Prime Minister, Modi ji. It's a momentous occasion that makes me proud as well as our nation, the state of kerala, and myself.
I was waiting for this statement to inform you that I married prasanth on january 17, 2024, in a traditional ceremony through an arranged marriage, in order to uphold the legally mandated secrecy.

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