Did director Bala get hit at the shooting spot. Actress Mamita Baiju explains why she left the film!
In order to put an end to the controversy that director Bala assaulted malayalam actress Mamita Baiju on the shooting spot of 'Vanangan', the explanation given by the actress has now been released.
Director Bala has announced that he will direct the film 'Vanangan' with actor surya in 2022. Suriya himself was going to produce this film through his 2-D Entertainment company. The shooting of this film was going on for about a month and suddenly actor Suriya announced his withdrawal from this film.
Following this, director Bala also announced that Suriya was not suitable for the role and that the shooting of Vanagan would soon be resumed with another actor.
Soon after actor Suriya walked out of the film, actress Mamita Baiju, who played the lead role in the film, also announced her exit from the film. Also, in a recent interview, she said that director Bala beat up the tough actress Mamita Baiju because she got more tags.
... "The information I gave has been misunderstood. I spoke a lot but only a little came out of it. But I did not speak with such meaning. They published only one word I spoke and turned it into a controversy.