bollywood actress anushka sharma often remains in the headlines on social media due to her films and personal life. On the basis of her excellent acting, despite being an outsider, the actress has made her place in the list of top heroines of Bollywood. anushka Sharma's name is included in the list of highest paid actresses of Bollywood. Currently, the actress is in the news after the birth of her second child Akay. And now a video related to the actress is going viral on social media. In this video, Amushka Sharma's bollywood entry is being told. Let us know in the further news what is special in this video related to anushka Sharma.

What is special in viral video?

This video going viral on social media is being said to be the video of anushka Sharma's first audition. anushka sharma is seen in a very simple look in this video. According to media reports, Amushka Sharma was only 18 years old at the time of her first audition. In this video, anushka sharma is seen introducing herself. He is holding his intro bird in his hand. In which the actress's mobile number, birthday, height are written. Talking about Anushka's look in the first audition, the actress wore a plain white top with denim jeans and completed her look with a crop jacket. Seeing anushka sharma in this video, fans feel that her look is similar to that of Pakistani singer Nazia Hassan. This video has been viewed more than 6 lakh times on YouTube so far.

anushka Sharma's debut film

  Let us tell you that anushka sharma made her debut in bollywood with the king of bollywood Shahrukh Khan's film 'Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi'. In this film released in the year 2008, she was seen in the lead role with Shahrukh Khan. Till now anushka has worked in superhit films like 'Ae dil Hai Mushkil', 'Jab Harry Met Sejal', 'Sui Dhaaga', 'NH10', 'PK' and 'Sanju'. anushka sharma was last seen with shahrukh khan in the film 'Zero'. Very soon she will be seen in 'Chakda Express'.

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