Actress Isha Malviya, who was seen in bigg boss 17, made a lot of headlines in this show. Isha remained in limelight regarding her personal life in salman Khan's show. Recently, Isha has surprised everyone by sharing her video with YouTuber Elvish Yadav. In the video, both are seen romancing.

Isha Malviya was seen romancing with Elvish Yadav

Elvish Yadav and Isha Malviya have shared a video on Instagram. In which both of them can be seen walking hand in hand on the beach. While sharing the video, Elvish wrote in the caption – Where do hearts change due to the change of time. Was in love with you, am in love with you. In the video, Elvish and Isha are seen walking on the sea shore.

Both Elvish and Isha are looking very cute holding hands. Many users are seen commenting on the video of Elvish and Isha. While commenting, one user wrote - 'The system has gone mad now', another user after watching the video wrote - 'Who is Isha's real boyfriend?', apart from this, some users were seen liking their pairing.

For information, let us tell you that Isha's song 'Ve Pagla Hai' was released recently. The song was liked a lot by the people. Isha has made many reels regarding this song. In such a situation, he has also made a reel with Elvish.

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