The movie "Lal Salaam" marked a challenging phase in superstar Rajinikanth's illustrious career, serving as an unexpected setback. Despite being promoted as a film featuring Rajinikanth, he plays a pivotal role for around 45 minutes in this film, which deviates from his usual star-driven films. Unfortunately, "Lal Salaam" failed to attract the customary first-day collections associated with Rajinikanth's movies and struggled throughout its theatrical run.
Directed by Rajinikanth's younger daughter, soundarya, the film faced criticism for its narrative approach. soundarya attempted to convey multiple themes without a cohesive storytelling method, leaving the audience bewildered. While Rajinikanth delivered his best performance, it couldn't salvage the film. Post the theatrical run, director Aishwarya conducted a post movie analysis and, in an interview, attributed the film's primary issue to the superstar himself.
Aishwarya explained that the original script of "Lal Salaam" was coherent, but alterations were made to accommodate Rajinikanth's image, disrupting the film's flow. According to the director, the original plan had Rajinikanth's character appearing only after the interval. However, just two days before the release, some of Rajinikanth's scenes from the second half were integrated into the first half, along with changes in the latter portion.
Aishwarya expressed that the presence of a superstar like Rajinikanth altered the film's look and feel. She believed that once Rajinikanth entered the story, the audience focused solely on him, neglecting other characters and scenes. This deviation from the original script affected the overall emotion and rhythm of "Lal Salaam," resulting in disappointment for audiences, producers, and buyers alike. The lesson learned from this experience came too late, causing substantial losses for all involved.