Who does not know about rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna's show Anupama. The story of the show and rupali Ganguly's acting grab a lot of attention. The show remains at number one position in TRP. Actress Alpana Buch is also working in the show. She is in the role of Vanraj Shah's mother Leela Shah. Alpana Buch has impressed her fans a lot with her acting. Besides, dialogues also remain in the news. Now Alpana Buch has reacted about the show. While talking to india Forum, he said – The leap in the show has opened new avenues and given new topics to the story. The show is getting good response. She said that Anupama connects with people of all ages. The show also touches different aspects of the society. This is why the show is getting so much love.

She also talked about his favorite scene of the show. Alpana said that when she came to know about Vanraj's extra marital affair with Kavya. This scene is a favorite because in this scene she got to play the role of a worried, angry mother and a non-biased mother-in-law. Regarding spending time on the set, she said- 'The team is like a family and this is my second home. So that's why I love being on set and meeting my colleagues. Anupama is not just a show for me, it is a source of my happiness.

Reels go viral with Rupali

Alpana Butch shares a good bond with rupali Ganguly on the sets of the show. He and rupali also make reels videos together which are very much discussed.

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