Bollywood king Khan Shah Rukh Khan delivered a powerful speech while accepting an award recently. The actor was presented the Best Actor award for his role in Jawan at a recent event. He took the centre stage to not only express his gratitude towards everyone involved in the making of the film but also fans. He then sent out a strong message for his wife, Gauri Khan, and children, aryan Khan, Suhana Khan and AbRam Khan. “This message goes out to my children and my wife. Jab tak tumhara baap zinda hai, entertainment zinda hai (As long as your father is alive, there will be entertainment),” he said, leaving audiences in splits. The actor also confessed that he was upset with himself after the failure of a few of his movies last decade.

“Four five years ago, when my movies didn’t work, I got upset with myself. I stopped working on films, sat at home, made pizzas, made rotis, spent time with my kids, and Covid-19 came in between…” he said, recalling how he spent his break with his family. However, he dived into the making of Jawan and worked hard on it. Addressing atlee, who directed Jawan, the superstar said, “First credit goes to atlee and then to Priya. She left her house down south and spent four years in Mumbai. Their child also was born here. I often say that the credit to the film’s success goes to his son, Meer. So thank you, Atlee.”

Released on september 7 last year, Jawan also starred Nayanthara, vijay sethupathi and deepika padukone in key roles. The film received positive reviews from critics and was widely loved by all. Several celebrities including karan johar, Allu Arjun, SS Rajamouli, kangana ranaut, Sidharth Malhotra, tiger shroff and ameesha patel among others also praised the Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan minted over Rs 1,100 crore worldwide.

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