"Auto Shankar" is a gripping web series that delves into the chilling tale of one of India's most notorious serial killers, Gauri Shankar, alias auto Shankar. This spine-chilling narrative shook audiences to the core, portraying the horrifying crimes of a man who derived pleasure from his heinous acts.
The series unravels the sinister deeds of auto Shankar, a beastly figure who indulged in rape and murder with impunity. Shankar's modus operandi included disposing of the bodies by digging holes in walls or burning them and scattering the ashes into the sea. The disappearance of nine girls in 1988 raised suspicion, eventually leading to auto Shankar's confession of his crimes.
Directed by Ranga, the series features a stellar cast, with Appani Sarath delivering a chilling performance as the titular character. Saranya ravi portrays Shankar's wife, while arjun Chidambaram and Dev Babu shine in supporting roles. The series is filled with suspense and thriller elements, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats across its ten episodes.
For those seeking a break from conventional romantic or drama series, "Auto Shankar" offers a compelling alternative. Its gripping storyline and intense performances make it a must-watch for fans of crime thrillers. The series has garnered high praise from audiences, reflected in its impressive IMDb rating of 8.2.
"Auto Shankar" is available on ZEE5 in multiple languages, including Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, and Malayalam. Its portrayal of the chilling crimes of a real-life serial killer is bound to leave a lasting impression on viewers, making it a standout addition to the crime thriller genre in the realm of OTT content.