Famous young actress who was involved in an accident is worried

Arundhathi Nair: The famous young actress who was involved in an accident is worried! Shocking information released by relatives..!

Actress arundhati Nair, who met with an accident while riding a bike last month, has been shocked by the news that her relatives are now in critical condition.

Arundhati Nair, a malayalam actress from Kerala, has acted in a few films in tamil as well. arundhati, who made her debut as a heroine in the 2014 film 'Bongi Egmu Manokara', followed this with the film 'Saitan' opposite actor Vijay Antony.

Arundhati Nair, who continues to focus on malayalam films, was riding a bike along the Kovalam bypass road with her brother last month when an unidentified vehicle hit her and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Arundhati Nair, who was thrown from the accident, was said to have been lying on the road for over an hour without speech or breath. Later, the police reached the spot and rescued arundhati and her brother, and admitted them to a nearby hospital. arundhati Nair has been undergoing intensive treatment at a private hospital in thiruvananthapuram for more than 20 days.

He is being treated with the help of a ventilator due to severe head injuries and difficulty in breathing. Also due to severe head injury due to blood clots due to the injury, he underwent brain surgery.

His family has said that his condition is very critical. Arundhati's sister aarthi said that Arundhati's treatment costs only 2 lakhs per day and so far more than 40 lakhs have been spent.

Arundhati Nair's mother had already said that she was struggling without money for her daughter's treatment and no celebrities came forward to help her. It is noteworthy that Arundhati's brother is currently recovering from the impact of the accident.

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