Mega filmmaker shankar is renowned for producing stuff that is larger than life, but lately, he has been taking longer than normal to complete projects. He is now working on two movies simultaneously: Game Changer, directed by ram Charan, and indian 2, starring Kamal Haasan. Here's a fresh update on when these two films will be released.

There is a rumour circulating that shankar has given his staff instructions to be ready for "Indian 2" to land on june 14, 2024, when india has concluded all of its election campaigns and voting procedures. Next is "Game Changer," and based on rumours circulating, the legendary filmmaker has decided to release the Charan film in october 2024. While films such as Devara are scheduled for october 10th, shankar is reportedly getting ready to release Game Changer during the first week of the month, with an eye on the dasara holidays.
On the other hand, Charan's Game Changer has just 15 to 20 days of balancing work remaining to break the record, but the whole filming of indian 2 is already concluded. However, both of these films missed out on a number of early release dates that they had locked down. It's a huge risk for ram Charan as if indian 2 fails, it will affect the business of Game Changer

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