Astrologer venu Swamy who predicted the horoscope of ram Charan's daughter Glin Kara! Why are netizens cursing?

Tollywood fans are lashing out at famous astrologer venu Swamy after he predicted the horoscope of megastar Chiranjeevi's grandchild and ram Charan-Upasana's daughter Glin Kara.Many tollywood fans are condemning venu Swamy ram Charan's daughter, who is popular on social media by predicting the horoscope of many celebrities.Ram Charan-Upasana couple gave birth to a beautiful baby girl after ten years of marriage. In december 2022, upasana announced her pregnancy on social media. Many fans were congratulating upasana after hearing the news of her pregnancy after many years.At the same time, upasana said that we had already decided to have a child late. And reports spread that upasana saved her own ovum and gave birth to a child through it.

Following this, on the night of june 20, 2023, upasana gave birth to her daughter. Chiranjeevi's family celebrated the baby's birthday as a celebration. Similarly, many celebrities came to see upasana in the hospital.Astrologer venu Swami ram Charan's daughter Glin Kara Jataka was predicted after she said that she was born in Mahat Jataka and therefore has the aspect of living as a queen, many people started scolding her saying how can you predict the horoscope of a child who is not even a year old.To this, venu Swami... In those days, if children were born to kings and princes, they would first predict the child's horoscope and predict the future of the country.In fact, the horoscope of children with Balarishta should not be told immediately after birth. According to Shastra, Jataka should not be given to children with Balarishta if Prakanda is born before the age of 7 years. Also children born in some nakshatras have Prakandam in 7th day, 7th month, 7th year, 17th, 37th and 77th year. He said. This information has created a sensation in tollywood circles.

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