Following the tremendous success of Hanu-Man throughout India, producer K Niranjan reddy is preparing a totally new movie starring priyadarshi and Nabha Natesh. Smt. chaitanya is the presenter in the PrimeShow Entertainment-produced film, in which Ashwin ram is the man behind the loudhailer.
The movie's title is Darling, and its slogan is Why This Kolaveri. Its first look and peek were shown today. Although priyadarshi proposes to Nabha in the first look poster, the peek depicts their post-marriage lives. He explains how a girl's demeanour alters depending on the role she plays, including mother, sister, lover, and wife.

The use of Mahesh Babu's Amma song, Pawan Kalyan's Chelli song, and Prabhas' romance song to depict the attributes of women as a mother, sister, and lover gives this story its distinct sense of humour. The altercation between Darshi and Nabha serves as an example of their post-marriage routine. Just the glance of the title announcement makes Ashwin ram impressive. The portrayals of priyadarshi and Nabha Natesh's characters were true to life. vivek Sagar composed the film's soundtrack, and naresh handled the photography.

Touted as an all-around entertainer, "Darling" hopes to appeal to a broad spectrum of viewers. A distinctive and captivating element is added to the story by the imaginative usage of well-known songs, such Prabhas' "Mellagaa Karagani," Pawan Kalyan's "Annayya Annavante," and Mahesh Babu's "Pedave Palikina," to illustrate various aspects of relationships.

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