While prabhas, the popular actor in India, is now finishing up the film "Rajasaab," directed by Maruthi, he is genuinely waiting for the release of "Kalki 2898AD." In the meanwhile, "Spirit" director sandeep Reddy Vanga has stated several times that the film may begin in December. However, we are currently hearing about another discussion.

Prabhas appears to have given the go-ahead for Hanu Raghavapudi's film, which features a classic battle setting and a love and friendship narrative. We've heard that the plot is currently being developed more into an action-packed love story along the lines of Krishnagaadi Veera prema Gaadha. According to reports, this movie may have its Muhurath in May 2024 and may begin filming well in advance of sandeep Reddy Vanga's upcoming prabhas Spirit.

With Sitaramam's popularity, Hanu is riding high and eager to build on it with Prabhas' movie. She is also prepared for a shoot. Spirit may see a slight delay if the gunfire starts, according to sources. However, prabhas wants to finish filming the Rajasaab songs before going on summer vacation. After that, he wants to launch the kalki 2898 AD promotional campaign with amitabh Bachhan and Disha Patani, directed by Nag Ashwin.

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