Shruti will hatch a conspiracy to ruin Anupama?

Rupali Ganguly's show 'Anupama' is very much liked. The actress has now become a household name. His stardom has increased tenfold and fans like him. However, in the tv show 'Anupama', fans will once again see Anupama getting insulted as her Superstar Chef trophy will be snatched away. Even the prize money will be lost due to one mistake of Anupama. This shows that shruti has planned everything.

Shruti will hatch a conspiracy to ruin Anu.

In the upcoming episode of tv serial 'Anupama', it will be seen that Anu, who is now the owner of Spice and Chutney, gives a job to her son Tosh. He has always been a bad son. Toshu was the person because of whom Anupama had to go to jail and face many difficulties. After Anupama won, Toshu also asked for money from her. But now, she is regretting her actions and has taken a job in his restaurant.

However, Toshu makes a mistake on the very first day and Anupama has to apologize on his behalf. Looks like Toshu hasn't changed after all. The plan to insult Anupama has been made by none other than shruti along with Toshu. shruti hates Anu and Anuj still loves her. shruti wants Anu to go back to india so that Anuj can marry her. That's why shruti is becoming a mastermind and plans to insult Anupama.

However, a new twist will come in the show when Aadhya comes to know about Shruti's plan. Soon Aadhya will realize that shruti is bad and mean and maybe she will change her mind for Anupama and Aadhya will support her mother. If this happens then fans will be very happy to see this twist.


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