Payal Rajput, the actress from Magalavaram, stated that she wants justice since a producer is unwilling to stop the release of a delayed film and is also proceeding with promotions without her permission. However, the telugu Film Producers Council (TFPC) is furious with actress payal rajput for failing to promote the film "Rakshana" as promised.
In reality, Prandeep Thakore, the director-producer of Rakshana, stated that Payal refused to assist market the picture, potentially resulting in financial losses. Despite efforts to address the situation, her actions have heightened tensions among the parties concerned.

According to the producer, her manager's disrespectful attitude has exacerbated the problem. The producer instructed the manager that, under the agreement, payal rajput should attend the film's promotion meetings, and the producer would pay the outstanding payment of Rs 6 lakhs. However, he allegedly informed her that she would not be attending the promotional events because the film was released four years ago.
TFCC and TFPC stated in a news release that despite attempts to contact Payal and her colleagues, they have remained uncooperative. While the actress has accused the business of attempting to blacklist her, the TFPC vehemently disagrees. If Payal refuses to come down, we'll have to see what the Council decides against her. Meanwhile, she isn't even a member of the tollywood Movie Artists Association!

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