In a surprising turn for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Deadpool and Wolverine, the unconventional pairing from Disney and Marvel Studios, is breaking records before it even hits theaters. According to the latest six-week tracking data from The Quorum, the film is poised to potentially gross between $200 million to $239 million in its opening weekend. This projection, however, is viewed as conservative by industry experts.

What makes this projection particularly notable is the fact that no R-rated movie has ever achieved a $200 million opening weekend. The current record holder for R-rated openings is the original Deadpool, which debuted at $132.4 million in february 2016. If Deadpool & Wolverine manages even $150 million in its opening, it would mark the largest opening weekend for both Ryan Reynolds (surpassing Deadpool) and Hugh Jackman (exceeding X-Men: The Last Stand's $103 million in 2006).

The potential blockbuster is generating immense interest among moviegoers, especially men, with tracking numbers exceeding those of Spider-Man: No Way home at the same point before release. This Marvel installment is not just leading in awareness and interest metrics for the summer, but also ranks highest in Premium Large Format (PLF) interest at 28%. This indicates a strong preference among audiences to experience the film in premium formats.

As excitement continues to build, projections for Deadpool & Wolverine could rise even further, setting the stage for what could be a groundbreaking opening weekend and a major success for Disney and Marvel Studios.

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