The Asur series is a criminal thriller that follows Nikhil Nair, a cbi investigator, as he looks into a string of killings connected to the Hindu deities kalki and Kali. The ninth manifestation of Vishnu, kalki is expected to usher in the end of the kali Yuga, the period of chaos and darkness that is now in place. kali is a demonic entity that symbolises all things malevolent.
The Asur series is a criminal thriller that follows Nikhil Nair, a cbi investigator, as he looks into a string of killings connected to the Hindu deities kalki and Kali. The ninth manifestation of Vishnu, kalki is expected to usher in the end of the kali Yuga, the period of chaos and darkness that is now in place. kali is a demonic entity that symbolises all things malevolent.