Deep in the wilds of England, a man with a dark secret tries to live a normal, quiet life with his wife and daughter. Of course, in horror stories like this, things never stay normal for long. "The Beast Within" is a darkly spellbinding new film that embraces its gothic roots with gusto. But the real show-stopper here is Game of Thrones alum Kit Harington. You've never seen Harington quite like this before.

The synopsis and trailer pretty much give away that his character undergoes a monstrous transformation, something he and his wife (played by Ashleigh Cummings) have been trying to keep secret from their young daughter Willow (Caoilinn Springall, who was also stellar in "Stopmotion"). Harington is genuinely scary here, and it's a necessary addition to the film since the werewolf elements are mostly hidden to build suspense. The terror and suspense really hinge on Harington's performance in his human form, and you'll walk away from "The Beast Within" with a renewed appreciation for his acting chops.

It's not often we get werewolf stories these days. They’ve never been quite as popular as vampires. But "The Beast Within" is much more insular and emotional than your typical fantasy tale about monsters. I won't spoil any major plot points, but there's a lot to like about "The Beast Within," particularly the performances. It's not just Harington who excels; Cummings and Springall are both phenomenal as his co-stars.

"The Beast Within" can be a little predictable at times—you might guess where things are heading before the end—but the actors are so good, so riveting, and believable as a family struggling against seemingly never-ending violence stemming from an ancestral secret, that it's easy to look past the minor flaws. Plus, it's always a hoot watching Harington transform from brooding hero to terrifying beast. You'll laugh, you'll scream, you'll probably look over your shoulder the next time you hear a howl in the night!

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