The indian market is a perfect fit for over-the-top (OTT) streaming since it is so large that only a small portion of it has been tapped by major streaming services like Netflix or amazon Prime Video. Recent data from a well-known agency's poll on the watching preferences of indian over-the-top (OTT) subscribers was intriguing.
According to the report, 97% of indian OTT users would rather watch material on their smartphones than on their PCs or TVs. This figure is startling, which is why some streaming services are introducing cheaper mobile-only options in an effort to increase paying memberships. It is well known that Netflix eventually introduced an inexpensive mobile package at ₹149 per month, aimed at smartphone streaming consumers, after failing to create an impression in the indian market.
In a congested wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital market dominated by international behemoths like Netflix and amazon Prime Video, India's state broadcaster Prasar Bharati is about to introduce its own over-the-top (OTT) platform. Prasar Bharati's new platform, which is expected to include material from independent producers and private broadcasters, may increase the accessibility of streaming services, especially in rural regions. But as free video on YouTube and OTT services focused on cities become more and more prevalent, industry insiders caution that Prasar Bharati's project may have difficulty making money and gaining acceptance.


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