Amitabh went to stree 2's 'Sarakate' and got photo!!!

Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkumar Rao's recently released film 'Stree 2' is still making record-breaking collections in theatres. Shraddha and Rajkumar's excellent work in the film has been highly appreciated. But along with this, 'Sarakate' of stree 2 was also discussed a lot. Sarakate created a lot of ruckus in stree 2. The name of the actor who played the dreaded character of Sarkate is sunil Kumar. Let us tell you that sunil also has a special connection with amitabh bachchan and Prabhas' film 'Kalki 2898 AD' which was released this year. He recently discussed this in an interview. He also told that amitabh bachchan was also surprised to see his height and Big B also clicked a photo with him.

sunil Kumar was amitabh Bachchan's body double in Kalki

sunil Kumar remains in the headlines for his tall stature. Veteran actor amitabh bachchan was also surprised to see his height. It is worth mentioning that sunil has worked as Big B's body double for amitabh Bachchan's blockbuster film 'Kalki'.

On seeing Sunil, Big B said - someone taller than us has come

sunil recently shared an anecdote of his meeting with amitabh bachchan on the set of kalki in an interview given to india Today. The actor told that that day will be memorable for him when amitabh bachchan asked him to take a photo with him. sunil also told what was Big B's reaction on seeing his height. Let us tell you that Sunil's height is 7.7 feet. sunil said in the interview that, 'It was my first day on the set, that day I had to shoot a scene. I was getting ready with the harness for my scene and prabhas sir and amitabh sir were sitting at a short distance from me. After some time, when amit sir looked at me, he got up from his place and came to me and asked the cameraman to click a photo of both of us. He said smilingly, 'Everyone calls me Talbu, today I found someone taller than me.'

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