There is a deep darkness behind the silver screen...?

Recently, the hema Committee report on the malayalam film industry was released. Although this report was made public after five years, it shook the entire malayalam film industry. This report revealed shocking things like sexual exploitation, gender discrimination and inhuman behavior etc. Obviously, after the storm, many other stars including malayalam cinema superstar mohanlal also resigned from various committees, but is the darkness behind the silver screen limited to only one part, will it be reduced in any way? If we remember, some years ago, similar things had happened in the hindi film industry as well, there has also been a Me Too movement.

'Me Too Movement' case is old

First of all, it should be accepted that this was a very necessary step, which should have been taken in view of the allegations or circumstances of exploitation of women in the entertainment industry. It would be appropriate to remind that this Me Too movement started from the American film industry i.e. Hollywood. After thatsince allegations were made through the internet in many other places, it became a global eventwhich had a global impact. After that, it also affected the hindi film industry and since we make films in many languages, its impact was seen there as well.

For the first time we saw that this case was brought under the rules and regulations of the government, a proper investigation was done, a committee was formed and its report was presented. In fact, in the Me Too movement, there was more naming and shaming (accusing big people, shaming them), many people did not consider it necessary to take legal action. Many people believed that since they had been suppressing something within themselves for many years, it was good to bring it out and warn about other people with criminal tendencies.

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