Bollywood actor Mr. Perfectionist on megastar Chiranjeevi..!?

chiranjeevi received the famous Guinness Book of Records at the hands of Aamir. aamir khan along with Guinness Book representative richard gave this rare honor to Chiranjeevi. When chiranjeevi sent one phone call to Mr. Aamir, he immediately came to hyderabad from Mumbai. Aamir expressed his heart that chiranjeevi should never ask him, he should order him. With these words, how great is Chiranjeevi's place in Aamir's mind? Aamir's statement that he considers chiranjeevi as his elder brother, and is a big fan of chiru, doubled the happiness of mega fans.
Many people on stage were moved to tears. Aamir can't say that if he doesn't have a great connection. There is an age difference of 10 years between chiranjeevi and Aamir. chiranjeevi is ten years older than Aamir. Chiranjeevi's age is 69, while Aamir Khan's age is 59. That's why Aamir considered him as his elder brother. And there are so many actors in Bollywood? Why did you choose aamir khan and Chiranjeevi? That choice tells how great Aamir's place is in Chiranjeevi's mind. There are many senior actors in the indian film industry. But Aamir got the chance that no one else could. And it is true that Aamir's films as an actor have placed him in a great place in Chiranjeevi's mind. In it, Aamir is an encyclopedia. And personally, there is a good bonding between chiranjeevi and Aamir.

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