As per report kollywood industry’s actor karthi apologized to pawan kalyan after he laughed about the controversy revolving around the tirupati Laddu. At a recent event in Chennai, karthi was asked about claims that animal fat was used as an ingredient in the laddus at Tirupati’s Sri Venkateswara Temple. The actor laughed it off and his reaction did not go down well with many, including Pawan Kalyan.

Furthermore when speaking with the media, Andhra Pradesh’s deputy chief minister said, “Don’t you dare say it is a sensitive issue or make jokes about the tirupati Laddu. I respect you as an actor, I urge everyone from the film fraternity to either support this fight or stay silent. I would request everyone to refrain from making unnecessary remarks.”

Moreover karthi took to X and apologized to Pawan Kalyan. “Dear @PawanKalyan sir, with deep respects to you, I apologize for any unintended misunderstanding caused. As a humble devotee of Lord Venkateswara, I always hold our traditions dear. Best regards,” the ponniyin selvan star wrote. A massive row erupted on september 18 after andhra pradesh chief minister N chandrababu naidu claimed that animal fat was used in tirupati laddoos during the previous government when jagan MOHAN REDDY' target='_blank' title='ys jagan mohan reddy-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>ys jagan mohan reddy was the chief minister of the state. In return, Reddy’s party, YSRCP, accused Naidu of indulging in “heinous allegations” for political gains. andhra pradesh IT minister and Chandrababu Naidu’s son, Nara Lokesh, added that the lab reports clearly established that beef fat, fish oil and lard were used to make laddoos.

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