Reportedly it has been four months since the release of Prabhas' highly anticipated film kalki 2898 AD, yet key discussions surrounding the movie continue to surface. When the film first hit theatres, much of the discourse revolved around the characters of arjuna and Karna, with fans and critics fiercely debating which one was the true hero. While that debate has since quieted, the film has again come under scrutiny this time, following remarks made by renowned spiritual orator Garikapati narasimha Rao.

Meanwhile during his recent discourse on Ganesh Chaturthi, Garikapati made pointed remarks regarding kalki 2898 AD, expressing strong opinions on the portrayal of Mahabharata characters in the film. He highlighted the stark differences between the depiction of these characters in the movie and their traditional portrayals in the ancient text. Specifically, he took issue with the characterization of ashwathama and Karna, who were presented as heroic figures in the film, admitting that he couldn’t understand the logic behind these creative decisions.

Moreover his critique has sparked a fresh wave of conversation online, with a video of Garikapati's comments quickly going viral across social media platforms. His words have reignited debates about the film's storytelling choices and its reinterpretation of beloved Mahabharata characters. Garikapati's remarks have reignited discussions around the delicate balance between artistic freedom and cultural sensitivity when adapting epics like the Mahabharata. While some applaud the filmmakers for their creative vision, others, including Garikapati, feel that such deviations from the source material might mislead audiences or distort the essence of the original characters.

This controversy has once again placed kalki 2898 AD in the spotlight, ensuring that discussions around the film's thematic choices and character portrayals will continue as anticipation builds for its sequel.

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