Bollywood producer Boney Kapoor’s youngest daughter Khushi Kapoor has proved that this trend is timeless and she absolutely swears by it. Time and again the Archies actress has embraced the lovely pink hue be in for her lavish gowns or sassy ethnic wears. But this time around, she decided to carry on the trend in a more subtle yet chic way. Khushi carried a stunning pink handbag and fashion enthusiasts should surely be forced to take notes on her ability to make the accessory the hero of the ensemble.

Perhaps in her latest post, Khushi Kapoor decked up in a casual ensemble with a simple black trouser and knitted half sleeved grey shirt. With her minimal outfit, she carried a Chanel bag set in a lovely fuchsia pink shade with a heart-shaped chain design. Meanwhile the actress has donned eye-catching pink outfits that not only showed her fashion prowess but simply aced the Barbiecore trend. Some time back, Khushi donned a stunning shimmering pink satin saree. It was made of smooth satin with sparkling accents throughout, making it a distinctive piece.

Previously Khushi Kapoor was formally announced as the brand ambassador for skin care brand Sol de Janeiro. For the event, her choice of a pink corset, a silk pink wrap skirt, and matching pink stilettos drew attention and highlighted her exquisite yet youthful style, which is pure fashion goals.

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