Filmmaker and director karan johar has faced trolling many times due to nepotism. Recently, director Vasan bala revealed that he had kept a rough script for the film Jigra, which karan sent to alia bhatt without asking him. In this way, this film came into Alia's account. karan johar is being trolled a lot on social media for this act, on which he has now broken his silence.

karan johar has shared a long post on his Instagram. In this, he has shared a picture with a finger on his mouth, on which it is written - 'We have to be strong to decide that life is so stable that we can shut the mouth of some negative people.' Along with this, karan has written a long note in the caption in which he is advising the trollers to watch Vasan Bala's interview properly.

Filmmaker and director karan johar has faced trolling many times due to nepotism. Recently, director Vasan bala revealed that he had a rough script for the film Jigra, which karan sent to alia bhatt without asking him. In this way, this film came into Alia's account. karan johar is being trolled a lot on social media for this act, on which he has now broken his silence.

karan johar has shared a long post on his Instagram. In this, he has shared a picture with a finger on his mouth, on which it is written - 'We have to be strong to decide that life is so stable that we can shut the mouth of some negative people.' Along with this, karan has written a long note in the caption in which he is advising the trollers to watch Vasan Bala's interview properly.

'Please before making clickbait assumptions...'

karan johar finally wrote- 'But no, there is no uproar about anything everywhere. I request everyone with folded hands that please listen and read the entire interview before making clickbait assumptions. Lots of love to all of you.' Let us tell you that Jigra director Vasan bala has also reacted to this post of karan Johar. He commented- 'Love you Karan.'

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